Title: Bizhan Bassiri / Jannis Kounellis
Curated by: Bruno CorĂ
Location: Biblioteca Angelica, Rome [Italy]
Date: 8 – 16 March 2013
For the first time, the ancient Vanvitelliano Hall of the Angelica Library opens up to contemporary art.
Bizhan Bassiri and Jannis Kounellis have created two works for the oldest public library in Europe, which for more than four hundred years has kept precious manuscripts and ancient volumes.
A captivating dialogue between the art of the present and the history of the past, with Bizhan Bassiri and Jannis Kounellis presenting two installations with a strong emotional impact for the monumental Hall completely renovated by Luigi Vanvitelli in the second half of the 18th century.
The project is part of MOZART events organized by the periodical founded and directed by Bruno CorĂ and dedicated to the visual arts, philosophy, literature, music, theater, poetry and other contemporary languages.
The event was accompanied by the performance of a piece composed by Stefano Taglietti and performed by Franco Petracchi, Daniela Petracchi and Alessandra Leardini.